Palm lovers' dream lot on dead-end in Hawaiian Paradise Park's coveted banana belt. The 1-acre (See TMK #3-1-5-29-38 ) improved lot is fenced and gated, with a red cinder roadway which circles the property all the way to the back. Grubbed, not ripped, the Third Avenue property boasts the natural beauty of rolling, old lava and new landscaping. Two giant rainbow eucalyptus trees canopy the road at one point. The front hedge of 25 good-sized Pinangas coronata v. Blunt Leaf provide excellent privacy as do the dozens of different palms down both sides and in the back. There are nearly 235 palms, comprised of 172 species, thriving on the property. They range from Acanthophoenix crinita to Wettinia hirsute, and include three fruit-bearing Dwarf Acrea Catechu, Lemurophoenix halleuxii, Dypsis sp. Dark Mealybug, Dypsis sp. Jurassic Park and several endemic Pritichardia including hillebrandii, lowreyana, perlmanii and remota, among others. Beautifully landscaped and ready to build on.